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Bunny in the Garden

Our Story

My husband and I met in Manhattan have been married 20 years.  We are from the east coast and grew up in Brooklyn and New Jersey.  We moved to San Diego in 2011 when my husbands company moved him from NJ.  Neither of us grew up with horses or animals besides a dog.  It was our kids that got us into this mess!


We have three children, two girls and one boy, all teenagers.  When our girls were very little we tried them in all the regular sports.  Gymnastics, soccer, softball and everything else we could think of - none really resonated.  One day we were visiting a friend in Poway and drove past a horse ranch.  Our girls couldn't stop talking about the horses, so we decided to try horseback riding lessons.  It stuck and as they got older they were riding more and more.  

Until 2019 we lived in Del Sur, a nice planned community near 4S.  We were driving to Poway for horseback lessons four times a week and leasing two horses for our two girls.  My husband and I both always loved animals and my son loves the outdoors.  We took a leap and decided to sell our house in Del Sur and buy a horse property in Poway in 2019.  

The property we bought hadn't had horses for 20 years.  We spent the first year getting the property ready and got our first horse on property in 2020.  Over time we bought additional horses, goats, chickens, rabbits and more.


My cousin asked if she could have her 7 year old daughters birthday party at our place.  The daughter is always asking to come here and can't get enough time with the animals. Of course we said ok.  The party went great and that was what gave us the idea to host birthday parties for the public.  We really enjoy doing these parties, it's especially fun to see kids who are up close and personal to all these animals for the first time.

The money from these parties all goes directly to caring for the animals.  We pride ourselves in taking care of the animals as best we can and the funds go a long way towards helping us do that!

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